
Chocolatey windows
Chocolatey windows

  • Very, very few people verify package checksums.
  • chocolatey windows

  • Packages exist on different sites all over the web rather than one place.
  • The are a few problems with installing packages in the traditional manner: exe contain extra instructions do more than just extract the files like create desktop or start menu shortcuts but at the end of the day, installers still just glorified zip files. Software packages and installers use the same concept. You’ve seen this before at grocery stores when you purchase your items.Ī store employee takes all your items and temporarily stores them in bags which makes it easier for you to carry them home where they are unpacked. Packages are a convenient way to compress and move around multiple files as one file. Most software vendors store software programs in packages like. Chocolatey is a package manager for windows.Ī package manager can download, install, remove, or upgrade apps from various places around the web without forcing you to leave the comfort of your desktop screen. Imagine for a second that you had a cute, playful minion or robot that would do all that dirty work for you. If you have ever set up a new computer or reinstalled Windows? You know the pain of having to find and install all your favorite apps just to get your device back to a useful state. Ever wish there was an app store for Windows for installing apps like Microsoft Office, Acrobat Reader, Steam, Dropbox, Google Chrome, Skype or Firefox?

    Chocolatey windows